Storing code in a ltds allows me to gain the advantages brought about by these features It could facilitate my ability to update data to changing specifications Modelling using a format created using a general programming language# Updating data to changing formats

Another side effect could be loading the majority of the codebase from a possibly remote store which would be nice

An issue to bear in mind would be editing Ive discussed Delta changes previously. What of my ability to use git and its associated features. Well git has versioning along with an associated user who brought about that change We could implement a git store Fuck it I think it is better to use my approach

So the most direct translation of my current coding method would be to store a UTF 8 string for each current python file. Then if we are using directory organisation we could store these as tags and then create an Arbitrary hierarchy using tags. We could either use the data id as the name or we could store a name value along with the code

Storing as an ast seems ok too. We would lose the ability to single line # comment unless we manually facilitate them. To do so we can embed unique id symbols within the ast which corrospond to each comment line, we can then generate the ast and then either delete the comment line and find a way to reference its place within the ast or we can relate the ids to each comment in a mapping

Do specifications remain within one data piece or are they still contained within a python module this problem remains the same whether we choose ast or utf8 storage. Well what is interacting with these specifications as it stands without ltds code.

  • Code both inside and outside of the module in which the specifications are currently defined uses them
  • Were we to have specification versioning already then we would be storing an id value for each version of our module file

So I dont think we need to seperate them out for now. Maybe if we were to make code more modular but this would seemingly nescesitate editor code or editor facilitation code on my end.

Storing the module version seems ok

How to store version information of the data, changes depending on code storage method. If we are storing specifications contained within modules we would definitely store it at the top level of the data, if we are storing specifications independantly then we could still place it in the top level